Peers: The Sunshine In The Darkness

Sometimes with the weather this time of year we get frozen. Literally the cold, the snow, and the rain keeps us inside and inactive. Suddenly we forget the sun and the warmth, and our ability to have that “get up and go” attitude decreases in our lives. When we freeze outside, sometimes we freeze inside. At times all we feel like doing is lying on the couch, snuggled in a blanket, and wishing for cozier times. And while on that couch we think about things. That’s when it gets good.

Despite the cold, we think about all the happenings of the past year and of course the upcoming holiday season. We think about what was good and what was not so good. Things we wish we’d done differently and the things we are proud of. As we lye on the couch we wonder how it’s already winter again. That another holiday season is here and we can’t believe another year is around the corner.

So as you hunker down on the couch remember that you are a PEER. An awesome person that gives so much of themselves to other people, agencies, and the community. That even in the cold dreary weather, the increased darkness, and the stress of the holiday season you are still the warmth and sun to others.

You are the bright spot in those you work with’s days and even sometimes their lives. Winter and the holidays are stressful. But as we put on that warm coat, get off the couch, and tell ourselves we do good things, our passions and purposes come forth and we spread the hope and joy to all we serve.

Sometimes, however, the couch and the blanket call to us and we have to take good care of ourselves. So do your best to fight becoming frozen and do what you need to do for yourself so that you have the energy and stamina to do all the things you are so good at doing .

Remember you are sunlight in the world’s darkness. That over the past year you have changed lives and have affected so many people. And all the memories of your work and care will warm your heart and keep you strong so that you can bring in the new year and continue to be the change and hope for everyone you cross paths with.

Again, sometimes the couch and blanket are needed. But our will and our strength will replenish us. And we will be there for ourselves and others. So, look back on the goodness you’ve shared this past year, and look forward to another fruitful year.

You do so much and you are so strong, that no cold or darkness will make you frozen. Keep remembering the sunlight. Keep remembering the joy and success. And keep remembering to take care of yourself so you can be there for others and do your great work.

You guys are awesome. You guys deserve to be warm in the cold. And I know next year will be another incredible year. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

Your Friend and Peer,

Susan Klusman Turner, CPRP, APSS

Manager, Bridgehaven Center for Peer Excellence

Note: This was originally published in the Bridgehaven Center for Peer Excellence Newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter and training updates below.


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