Continuing Education for Peer Support Specialists who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Did you know that there are certified peer support specialists who also are sign language users or who have hearing loss?
Are you already a peer who could benefit from communication access at training events?
Bridgehaven is committed to training and supporting peers with effective communication access.
Bridgehaven offers training for peers needing continuing education (CE) credit.
These on-demand Zoom recordings are presented in English with both ASL interpreting and captioning (fill out this survey for your certificate):
Five Stages in the Recovery Process and 10 Guiding Principles of Recovery by Debbie Homan— 1 CE
Suicide Awareness and Prevention by Anita Whitworth — 1 CE
Substance Abuse Recovery Alongside Mental Health by Ben Jaggars — 1 CE
Making Sense of Psychiatric Medications by M. Charlene McAndrews — 1 CE
Grief and Loss by Debby Richmond— 1 CE
Eating Disorders by Katie Lannon - 1 CE
Overcoming Depression by Debby Richmond— 1 CE
What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)? by Bruce Behney, LCSW — 1 CE
Eat Well, Feel Great: How to Supercharge Your Body and Brain! by Amanda Jones, APRN, AFMC, CHC — 1.5 CEs
Financial Foundations by Joseph Cecil — 3 CEs
WRAP – Wellness Recovery Action Plan – An Evidence-Based Practice by Debbie, Homan, APSS —1 CE
Employee Mental Health and Wellness by Anita Whitworth — 1 CE
These on-demand automated courses are presented in English with captioning only and give you an automated certificate download (you do not need to fill out a survey).
DBHDID-TRIS Everything You Need to Know by Chrystal Osborne — 1.5 CE
Five Stages in the Recovery Process by Debbie Homan — 1 CE
Trauma-informed Group Facilitation by Susan Pope — 1 CE
Enjoying Life: Practicing and Modeling Self-Compassion by Diane Brewer — 1 CE
These on-demand Zoom recordings are presented in English with captioning only (fill out this survey for your certificate):
Could it Be? Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illnesses by Pat Doyle — 3 CEs
To receive your certificate for Zoom Recordings:
After you watch a recording on Zoom, fill out this survey. Fill the same survey out each time you watch a video. We try to get certificates out by email once a week but if you don’t receive one or need it sooner, please contact Susan Pope, CPE Training Coordinator
To register for our automated course system:
Create your student account using the name you would like on your certificate and an email address you can access no matter where you work. We recommend you do not sign up with Apple or Google as this has caused issues for some.
You will NOT need to fill out a survey for these automated courses.
ASL is not available at this time in our new course system.
Note that once you download your certificate, you must save the pdf or screenshot to your computer and upload it to TRIS. This part is not automated.
To bring up ASL on the Zoom recordings, click on the interpretation symbol below the video and click “American” :
Additional CPE Peer Trainings with ASL Interpretation:
These live trainings are available in English with ASL Interpreters
APSS Certification Training (In-Person training. Contact Susan Turner, CPE Manager about interpretation needs)
Peers in The Know Webinar Series (ASL automatically provided)
If you would like to attend another training and need ASL interpretation, please reach out to Susan Turner.
Monthly Virtual Peer Check-in with ASL
The second Tuesday of every month from 10-11 AM ET is our virtual peer check-in with ASL interpretation.
No need to register. Just show up and share stories and questions about peer support with working peers around Kentucky.
Join the meeting on Zoom here
Note: This link is good through July 2025. It is not changing.
Quarterly Virtual TRIS Townhall
Our Quarterly TRIS Towhall also includes ASL. That occurs quarterly during the peer check-in at the same link as the peer check-in. Ask any questions about peer CE credits and uploading them to TRIS to maintain your peer certification.
We know that there are more peers out there who are deaf or hard of hearing. Connect with us!
Deaf CPSS KY Support vs Peer Support
This video is from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) YouTube Channel